Quick Update!
Hi to everyone who's been reading this - and thank you! I know that I'm a few days behind, so here's a quick update. I feel like I'm losing hours everyday and it's a time crunch to get to Maine now!! So I probably won't do any full day posts until after I arrive. Friday 4/16/21: Woke up at grocery store parking lot in somewhere in Virginia and drove 1.5 hours to Gettysburg. Did the movie, picture thing, and museum. Then drove the park tour. Headed out at 4pm north. Wanted to drive about 3 hours towards Watkins Glen. Got about 2 hours north and winds were strong so I stopped. Around 7pm. Went to a few pharmacies about my covid vaccine and got my second dose!!! Got late night good and went to sleep at grocery store. Thursday 4/15/21 Shenandoah National Park Left park at 6pm. Drove an hour north. Tried to get covid vaccine but pharmacy was closed. Slept in grocery store parking lot. Wednesday 4/14/21 Drove kentucky to ...